Wednesday 28 October 2020

Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

Scott asks if you think we’re getting closer to realizing the Vulcan philosophy of IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) here on Earth. What would it take for that to happen? What would it look like? How might things be different?

 What an ideal for the world to live up to. Sadly I don't see us moving closer to acceptance of the other as being worth knowing. There is so much hatred and division being sown in various communities that the hate and dislike of the other seems overwhelming, especially as more and more people seem to be getting sucked into the hatred. 

Monday 12 October 2020

I've made it to Chief Warrent Officer

 In the Star Trek course I'm doing with the Smithsonian via edX.  It's quite informative and fun and makes me wish I could afford access to a streaming service so I could watch the pilot episodes.

Network Model Impact on Star Trek

 To what extent did the business model of network television enable Star Trek: The Original Series to appeal to such a wide range of audiences? In ways did that same model constrain it?

Without the network television model Star Trek would never have been made as there wasn't an alternative to that model at that time.  Because the original pilot was considered too cerebral the team behind Star Trek had to rethink how they told their stories and make it wider ranging in it's appeal.   Star Trek was given a chance that I dont' think any other show ever got - to remake itself to be more appealing.

But network television is a double edged sword and likely to dump successful shows on what feels like a whim to the viewing public and this is what happened to Star Trek.  It's sad to think that if demographics were looked at sooner than this show may well have continued - but if it had we possibly wouldn't have got the ongoing shows and movies that have flourished since the show went off air originally.

Starlog mark 2

 It looks like this is not as new an adventure as I thought, but I never completed the first course so here we go again.

My name is Annette and I'm a married mother of 3 adult sons.  I am currently an unemployed bus driver (there's not much call for a tour bus driver at the moment) and am busy studying all kinds of things that pique my interest with this course just one of many.

I am interested in many different crafts with knitting being my focus for now but I'm sure that will change to something else as I never seem to keep on one craft for more than about six months then I'm off to something else; it could be and old favorite such as sewing, crochet, spinning or weaving or something new like historical fashion, fantasy costuming, dioramas for 1/6 scale dolls and action figures or something totally unexpected.